Checklist for Hiring a Builder or Remodeler
Checklist for Hiring a Builder or Remodeler
Did you know, most people will spend weeks considering and researching vehicles to purchase, yet they may only look in the phone book to hire the builder who is going to construct their dream home? Do your homework before having work done on your home.
Use this checklist to help you select a builder or remodeler to work on or build your home.
Does the builder or remodeler have a permanent business location and a good reputation with local banks and suppliers?
How long have they been in the building business? It usually takes three to five years to establish a financially sound business. Will they be around after the construction is complete to service any warranties?
Have you called your local Better Business Bureau? They can alert you to any complaints.
Does the builder/remodeler have sufficient workers compensation and general liability insurance? If not, you may be liable for any construction related accidents on your premises.
Will the builder/remodeler provide you with names of previous customers? Ask them if they would hire the builder/remodeler again.
Have you seen the builder/remodelers work, both completed and in progress? Check for quality of workmanship and materials.
Are you able to communicate with the builder/remodeler? Remember you will be in close contact with them throughout the construction process and afterward as you live in your new home.
Will the builder/remodeler provide you with a complete and clearly written contract? The contract will benefit both of you. Review it carefully.
Be cautious of unusually low-priced bids. If the builder/remodeler is unable to pay for the materials and labor as the project proceeds, this may indicate a potential problem.
Call us, your local home builders’ association, for the names of member builders and remodelers.
Builder, Remodeler, and Roofer licenses must be posted in all advertising in the State of Minnesota. Wisconsin builders do not have to be licensed to build in Wisconsin but do require a MN License if building in Minnesota. Licensed Contractors are required to complete seven hours of continuing education each year. Investing your time to find the answers now may saveyou headaches and money in the end.

The Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry has developed this web link to give you basic information regarding the licensing of building contractors and how that affects you. You will also find what to do before you enter into a contractwith a builder and what to do if you have a problem or dispute.
The Wisconsin Department of Commerce has developed this web link to give you basic information regarding thelicensing of building contractors and how that affects you. You will also find what to do before you enter into a contract with abuilder and what to do if you have a problem or dispute.